Thursday 29 March 2012

About That........

In keeping with my story, a little background about me.  I am a very busy lady.  I have 2 children, a boy and a girl aged 5 1/2 and 7.  They equally have busy little lives too.  My daughter does gymnastics on the developmental level, which means training twice a week at 3 hours a session.  She does it, without too much complaint, I mean she is 7 afterall and is still about unicorns and rainbows mostly.  She also practices jui-juitsu once a week.  My son practices jui-juitsu twice a week and does kindergym once a week.  No, I did not plan it that way.  Gym was his own choice and choosing, he looks up to his big sister is all.
I am not a 'Tiger Mom' in any way shape or form.  My children naturally succeed in school and sports, so I really do not need to push them into any direction either.  I do, however encourage my son, who tends to be more introverted to play using his imagination rather than using the computer or wii.  He will be the intellectual, my daughter is highly intelligent as well, but enjoys being social more.
My husband, whom I adore, was my friend and confidante long before we became a couple.  Sometimes this fact is a great thing, and other times it can hinder.  Imagine, being with someone who sometimes knows you better than you know yourself.  He does not share in our active lifestyle though.  He's not into fitness, nor does eating clean interest him either........My husband is like Garfield, meat and potatoes and a 3rd helping of lasagna.  That is him though, and I don't let his lifestyle deter me anymore than he lets mine get in his way.  We are accepting of each other in that way.  I do admit though, that there are days that making the right food choices is rather difficult when the people at the table around you are eating fries and pies, when I'm noshing on salad with some sort of clean protein in it........but that too is MY own choice, and I can choose to stick to my plan on any given day......OR NOT, but I own the outcome no matter what.

My fitness these days is consisting of a 5 day rotation, where I am training either 2 days on one day off or 3 days on and one day off, depending on my schedule.  My programs and nutrition are designed by Linda Cusmano of  I have been following her guidance for years now. 
My goals are always to add more lean body mass, and gain more definition.  We achieve this in cycles of course, because they are actually two different focuses that can't really be achieved at the same time.  Each focus requires just that, focus!

Yesterday was an ab focused day, and while this is my 2nd week into this program I do not feel any DOMS this time from that workout.  Last week I was really feeling it in my abs the next day.  My body has adapted a bit, but also I had to modify some of the moves due to a minor back strain.  My diet was right on track, I didn't even have frozen yogurt, and I could have as it was in my diet!  My bodyfat is slowly responding, but my body in general is feeling great with this month's diet.  Very rich in carbs and protein, carbs coming from fruits and veggies as well as grains in moderation.

Today is a leg day........we'll see how well that goes with my back.  I may have to ease up a bit on the weight.  I won't post that sort of thing here though, I feel it only causes others to compare themselves with, and can fuel negative self value in my numbers are my business, as well as my training.  My trainer goes through alot of bother to put this together for ME, and like I said.......this is all about ME and 50,000 other things right?

Have a great day.............
Unless you have other plans ;)

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