Tuesday 3 April 2012

Are We there Yet?!

Seriously, this is how I feel these days, like a kid on some higher authority imposed road trip to God Only Knows where!

Since my last entry, I....... Of course I have been busy, why would you ask?!  Yes, have been busy running here and there with the kids, following one of my pups around as she has now gone into a heat.  The other pup (I have 2 puppies, and one geriatric dog) was sent in to be spayed.  That was yesterday.  Brought her home this a.m and blammo, doesn't the nutjob puppy proceed to remove ALL of her sutures!  So, yes back to the vet........sedation, and then more sutures put in a collar put on and now antibiotics for her to boot!  Oh it was horrific for me to see her with a gaping incision, I had only left her for about 5mins or so and she totally removed her stitches in that time.  The vet, a friend of my husbands, said that she must have been working quite hard on them as the incision is now beginning to bruise..............poor little pup.  I'll get her back in an hour or so now, as she just needs to sleep off her sedative a bit more.

Last week's adventure was a birthday party for a 7yr old and 9 of her besties........Next week, hopefully will be more quiet, lol!

As for training and diet?  I likely haven't gotten a workout done since last entry.  I am in a terrible self sabotaging rut these days.  I am now aware of it, but boy let me tell ya it is a tough one to break.  I am in the process of trying to figure out the 'why' part of this.  I am usually quite diligent, almost anal about my training, and I am now on a very slippery slope of which I've never thought  I would ever need to worry about.  I make excuses galore......too tired, too busy, can't fit it all in so why get started?, or worse even still I will actually even start to workout and then partway through give up and walk away.
My eating isn't so bad, I am able to remain mostly diligent there, but all this inactivity or slack-tivity is beginning to show on my physique.  Sure the muscle is still there, but there is a good layer of fat over top of it now.  I am used to sitting between 16% -17% body fat and I see the scale reading 18%.....still totally acceptable, and admirable I am sure but it isn't my 'normal' for me.

I need to get TOUGH with myself, tougher still.  I've got to find a way to stop the negative self talk and turn that around to make POSITIVE changes for myself!  I have also to do this on my own.  My husband is not much of a support when it comes to my lifestyle.....he buys me pie, or tries to share some other crappy type of food out of 'love' and kindness.  He thinks he's being kind and thoughtful by doing so for me, but I would really rather he bring me home a bouquet of cauliflower instead, lol!  Though in his defence it really isn't his responsibility to make sure I take better care of myself.  This is my own personal choice.......I am the one who chooses to eat right or not, to train hard to slack off.  It's not my children's busy little lives that are to blame either......really, it is me.  I am the only one needing to change, in order to make change happen for myself.

Just for today......

I will get my cardio done.  (I do have a head cold at the moment)
I will eat according to plan
I will not allow temptation to lead my astray from my goals
I will find a way!

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