Wednesday 11 April 2012

Live It, Love It...

Slowly but surely, I will come out of this fog.  I was cruising about the web yesterday in search of clues to achieving my fitness/figure goals with the nutty crazy busy lifestyle I have.  I was getting so down on myself wondering if it was even possible to go any further if I can only maybe hit the gym 3x week.  You see, back in the day....before I was married or had any children I still had a limited schedule to be able get a w/o done due to my work schedule.  I wasn't lifting 5x week then either come to think of it.  In fact, I was likely lifting 3 to 4 days a week.  I was making progress......then what needed work was my diet.  I knew nothing about eating properly for my goals.   Fast forward to today, and I have the diet down solid enough, and it is the training that baffles me........
I found a w/o that uses complexes consisting of full body movements.  It used variable sets and reps for each training one day hard and heavy the next session would be moderate and so on.  It was a 3 day training split which meant things would change up frequently,no chance for stagnation.  My thoughts were that I could do that.......or at least something like that.  It would fit into my life these days very well and since I am heading towards leaning out for summer would fit my goals as well.
I have mentioned in previous posts that I have a trainer (Linda Cusmano), and I ran my idea past her in hopes that she would agree with me, lol!!  Linda said she certainly would be able to devise something like the model I showed her, to fit my needs.  I shared with Linda how busy my life is getting, and how discouraged I was beginning to feel about the entire situation........she was happy to know where I am at and encouraged me for sharing my thoughts and feelings.  I can't wait to see what she comes up with!

Easter was great.......ate a bit of crapp, but not overload.  I did indulge in a nice 3 layer carrot cake made with maple cream cheese frosting........SLURP!!  Those who know me, know how I love cake.....those who don't........stick around, you'll figure it out ;)

Sent in my pics to Linda as well.....hadn't done so for a couple of months I think.  It will give her a fresh perspective of where I am now, what damage I may have incurred (hopefully, if any)  And where to go and how to get there with my constraints.  My stats are interesting in that I have grown in size but it doesn't really appear that way in pics....not distorted, or extra fluff anywhere that I could tell.  I actually was encouraged seeing myself in my bikini again........I didn't feel I looked so bad afterall, lol!!  Seriously, I was considering hiding in a 1pc this summer I was feeling so fat and frumpy........No.......I know I am not fat.  It is just that when you do achieve a certain level of fitness and lean body mass, one's standards become that much higher to maintain.  I am leaner and fitter than alot of mid-lifers my age........and yes, I am grateful!

Today is a cardio day for me.......just some HIIT, nothing fancy.
Food so far is tight and on plan too!


  1. hey, very cool that you are blogging now!!! i have the blog in my google reader already and will follow you (i'm watching you *insertcreepyvoice* ;-)) its so sad that the m&f boards are dying, i loved them, but live has to go on, right?! have a great day!! (its meeee, gfraast!! ;-))

  2. oh, and may i add something?! the font is kind of hard to read (or is it just me??)

  3. Heya gfraast!! Totally appreciate the kind words, and you can creep me anytime ;) Yeah it is sad about the boards, but you know I just can't let them go either.....I will still post there too, but here I will let my hair down a bit more kwim?
    Now......I can go spy on you too muah-ha-ha-ha!!

  4. LOL I made it finally!!!! I don't think I've done progress pics in a couple of months…I'm a little fearful myself lol Keep at it….you always come around!!

  5. Heya Keyamo!! You found me, lol!!
