Thursday 26 April 2012

Moving Right Along......

Here I am back in the saddle again!!  That's read it, I am BACK in the saddle baby!!

Isn't it funny, how a bit of redirection can totally restart and refocus an individual? For the past 2 wks (1wk of T-nation's w/o and the other my new program from Linda) I have been training my body in a different way than I had been for quite some time.  Full body, upper body/lower body splits and workouts that both challenge your muscles as well as fire up the metabolism in no more than 60mins a day...........LOVIN' IT!  (In other words, thank-you Linda......again!)

As predicted, I was not able to achieve any training over the week-end due to the Provincial Championships.  I did however get my share of movement running back and forth from the judges table to the head judges table.  I was a score runner.  For anyone who may not know what a score runner is, it is the person who gets to sit at the judges' table at any given even, beit as it was in my case gymnastics related, bars, beams, floor or vault and watch some AH-MAZING feats of athleticism.  The judges table consists of 4 judges...a D1 and a D2 judge, and then 2 regular judges.  The D1 judge is the judge who can really make or break your day.  The score runner is the person who sits with the D1 judge and waits for final numbers to be sent to the head judges' table (usually located waaaaaaaaaaay off to the side somewhere, lol!), and then goes and retrieves electronic printout of scores to bring back to the D1 judge for verification, then the scorer runs it all back the head judge.  A scorer can also be the one to punch in the handwritten scores from the D1 into the handheld electronic gizmo that sends the info to the head judges' and then goes off on foot to retrieve printout for D1's approval, and walk it back to head judge lots of walking, lots of sitting......and LOTS of FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got to see some really fantastic gymnastics let me tell this beautiful floor routine

Just totally friggin' amazing was this girl!  I was sitting nearby, not at that event but at beam, her team had just finished on beam (she did an awesome beam routine as well.....she scored HIGH by all judges!) and the team that was waiting to get up on beam were having to be patient because the judges were still tabulating, so I was able watch Nicola's floor routine in meantime.......I get goosebumps!

My diet has been on the money, even at the Provincials.  I packed my own lunch, so it was fairly safe......could have drank more water though, but I was travelling light.

I am already feeling tighter in my skin, and this week is to be considered my FIRST week of my new program.  My diet is seeming to be just the right combo of carbs and protein, as I feel better energy-wise, and my carb cravings are few and far between even.  So all things are looking UP!!
Today is a cardio day, so that should be easy enough to get in as well.


  1. hey, thanks for changing the font (size?!)!! i just watched the video, wow, that girl is amazing!!! thanks for sharing!! my blog is now in german AND english language, so if you want to read from time to time i would appreciate it ;-) I'm not blogging like i did journal on the m&f boards, but anyway...still miss the boards!! have a nice day!!

    1. No problemmo! I love your blog too btw! Your blog has everything, a real joy to read! Cheers to you!

  2. Hey lady I didn't know you came over to blogger as well! Nice to see you on here :)

  3. Hiya MustangGirl!! Yeah, things are getting pretty slow over at MFhers and I really felt I needed a bigger 'outlet' for my, well everything, lol!!

    Hope you continue to follow along!
