Tuesday, 4 September 2012

First Day Blues

My children have returned to school after their summer vacation, both so very excited to be getting back.  Me?  I sit here feeling a little hollow now.  Explains why I slept so poorly through the night.  I've been looking forward to this day for some time, but now that it is here I already am missing them.   Like most Moms on this day, we are filled with worry and wishes.  I hope that they will be allright, I hope that they like their teachers and find some new friends too.

Just for today I will allow myself a little 'off' ' time.  The usual scheduled routine will be a bit off today.  Things will all still get done, just not at their usual times.........I just feel so out of sorts.  I could 50,000 different things, and I am having a funny time just trying to decide to get one done.  I am already 2hrs behind on my diet/training schedule....breakfast should have been at 7:30a and it didn't happen till 9:30a.  My training which is usually to be happening in the neighbourhood of 10:30am, will be at 12:30p lunch will be off as well.........weird when that happens, but I must adhere nonetheless, even if delayed just to keep the timing of nutrients in check for the rest of the day, otherwise it would mean skipping a meal.

After one week on my program I have lost 1lb.  This is the goal, to lose 1lb/wk over 4wks, and then things will change again as far as diet and training goes.  We are looking to yes shed fat, but to maintain my muscle as much as possible and even hopefully be able to add muscle too by the end of the 12wks.  I must say that Micheal Elias does have this all planned out to a science.  I knew right from the get go, after looking over my diet that he was looking out for my physiology as well as my goals........so important, to get the right amount of nutrients and fats and carbs. and after a week I already feel a huge difference.

Today is back and abs day.  I do a circuit comprised of supersets and plyos.  My cardio this week is no more than 40mins and no less than 20.  Still no running or jogging YaY!!!!

Anyhoo, gotta run........things to do and things to get done!

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